Ensuring a better today without sacrificing tomorrow.
Sustainable Development for the Environment
People all over the world see the effects of a global industrial evolution and growing concern over the greenhouse effect and climate change. So, it's the responsibility of every company – and every individual – to actively protect our planet's future. At ViskoTeepak, we've implemented systems and procedures for waste management and energy control. We minimize and recycle all waste that's generated through our operations. We have also implemented air and water-cleaning systems that minimize the negative environmental effects on our surroundings.
Our goal is to work in a sustainable way for the environment and the community around us, as well as being a good employer that takes responsibility for workplace safety and the health of our employees. ViskoTeepak has a social obligation to our employees, but we also need to look at the needs of our planet’s future and minimize the environmental risks of our operations. We feel our future lies in being a good employer and conducting business responsibly and ethically.